My sorcerers and warshrine are the center pieces of my WoC army and while im not a very technical painter they look good on the table top.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Painted Sorcerers and Warshrine
My sorcerers and warshrine are the center pieces of my WoC army and while im not a very technical painter they look good on the table top.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Podhammer would have to be my favorite podcast. With a great host in Jeff and excellent support in Matt, Dave and the other Newie Boyz, Podhammer looks at the Oz warhammer scene and provides a lot of humor along the way. This podcast got me in to warhammer fantasy.
The D6 Generation
Russ Wakelin, Craig Gallant and Raef 'Insert Moniker' Granger do a stellar job on this general gaming pod cast. They cover everything From computer games and board games though to Games Workshop and Privateer Press.
Worlds End Radio
Luke and JJ do a nice Games workshop centric Podcast out of Perth with a lot of time put towards the specialist games like Blood Bowl.
And a mention to some others i have listened to.
These guys have been at it since 2005 and that was when i started listening to them, but after 100 or so episodes it started to get stale for me so i havnt had a listen for a while. For those that play Warmachine and Hordes its worth checking out.
Bad Dice
Uk warhammer, Quite interesting to see how things go down over there.
Only one episode so far but it was pretty good. Another Uk warhammer podcast.
Well i hope people can find something interesting in all that. I was quite supprised to see that the PodThralls were still going when i went to check out if they were or not.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Chaos Sorcerers on Steeds of Slaanesh
Used the legs and steeds from the Slaanesh lord kit, torsos from chaos knight plastic kit and arms heads Staffs/wands form both types of marauder kits. Will post more pics when finished.
2250 Vs Emo Elves with 100% more Dragon
So Doug's Army had
lord on dragon
2x lvl2 mages
Block of 25 spearmen with war banner
2x Xbowmen (one of 10 the other of 20)
Cold one chariot
5 Cold one knights
10 Black guard
2x Bolt throwers
5 Harpies
5 dark rides
Mine was similar to my rune fang list but dropped the book of secrets and a magic lvl from one mage to get some bounds, i also droped my orges for another knight in each unit. There was some other changes but i cant remember what exactly.
Doug deployed his 2 bolt throwers on a hill with his unit of 10 Xbowmen in between black guard and CoC on one flank CoK's and the thin purple line of Xbowmen with the spears behind.
My army was deployed mainly opposite his with the Fast cav elements on the flanks and dogs hiding behind terrain ready to claim table quarters.
I had first turn so i employed something i learned at runefang, dont try and be too clever with the knights. So strait ahead they went followd by the rest of may army.
In Dougs turn his CoC failed stupidity and ambled forward in to charge range of my knights, in moved the harpies to try and stop the knights charge. He then kill a few thigs with shooting.
My turn rolls around and my knights cant charge because of harpies but my bsb could so he charges out and swats at the chariot with his flail and it falls apart as they tend to do when faced with S7 in the center my chariot charges his CoKs which dosnt flee due to doug wanting to see if they could take it(turns out they cant but it takes a few turns i also had 6 impact hits). My magic and shooting was great this turn and did what its in the army to do. On one side it makes the harpies flee an the other it wipes out the dark riders (Breath of corruption and blood curdling roar are so worth their points on a fast cav characters).
Seeing things starting to go pear shaped the dragon springs in to action and breathes on some fast cav killing a few. The black guard mov up and show their flank to one unit of knight knowing if they hold on stubbbon Ld9 they will strike first in following rounds and wont be wiped out in two turns. Shooting and magic pick off a few more guys.
My turn 3 and things are looking good my knights in the center charge his big unit of xbowmen who stand and shoot killing 1 by this stage the knight unit is down to 3 plus my general hey brake the xbowmen and over run in to the spears. My magic takes down both enemy mages.
About this stage we take a break and talked about how the battle was going which was quite interesting.
So anyways, the dragon moves in to position to get a rear charge on my knights and breahes on the marauder block killing 5, the chariot finishes off the CoKs, my bsb takes a bolt though the chest and dies and one of my mages dies in a hail of Xbow bolts. Then the knights unleash into the spearmen but cant kill enough the spearmen kill one in return and the knights break with spearmen in hot pursuit due to hatred.
My knights rally and turn to face the pears again .Since finishing off the CoKs my chariot slams into the side of the spearmen dishes out some wounds but not enough to counter there SCR of 5 and promptly flees. The other unit of knights finish chopping up the black guard.
Then the dragon started to do some real damage and charges the unit of knights that just rallied the general steps up to challange and gets cut down my knights flee again and are rundown by the dragon. The spears turn to face my chaos warrriors.
My remaining unit of knights charge the xbowmen on the hill who flee off the table. my Warriors keep going towards the spearmen.
Dragon moves back in to position to make more charges and kills a few more marauders with his offensive breath, the last few xbowmen take out a couple more.
The warriors hit the spearmen and run them down, knights chase a bolt thrower off the table, chariot rallies.
In the final act of the game dragon rear charges my chaos warriors who break from the combat and are cut down.
End result i was up by about 300 VPs (thank god for those 30 pt hound units) Doug had 7 models on the table one of them his lord on a dragon carrying 2 banners, I had 25 left all up 4 knights, 9 marauders, 1 mage on steed of slaanesh, chariot, and 3 units of 5 hound holding a quarter each. I enjoyed the game and think i played a reasonably good game and stopped the dragon getting charges on my easier to kill units early in the game.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Runefang Completed
My resuilts went:
Game 1 Vs Orge Kingdoms: 10-10 draw, I mucked up my deployment badly and am disappointed that this game wasnt a win. I dont think i would have won this game by much because Graeme played a good game but think i could have got an 11 or 12 out of it.
Game 2 Vs Orcs and Goblins: 10-10 draw again, Not much to say about this game apart from Ben could guess distance with his rock lobbers like a god, both blowing up on turn 3 was very fortunate for me.
Game 3 Vs Vampire Counts: 13-7 a win, this game was very much a stand off. One unit of Knights chasing wraiths around one side of the table. Other side things eyed each other up for 4 turns. Last 2 turns i got my points from taking out all his Zombies and Skeletons.
Game 4 Vs Lizardmen: 7-13 a loss, first turn both fast cav units cant kill a terradon with their throwing axes and the accompanying sorcerers fail to kill any as well next turn the 3 terradons take out a unit of fast cav which annoyed me. Last turn of the game knights cut sick on the temple guard with slaan and scar-vet in the unit, My bsb in the knights kills the scar-vet the knights kill about 7 temple guard which left 1 who because of the slann was was stubborn and past his break test. If i had killed the last temple guard it would have got me just under 1000pt which would have given me a 13 of 14 win.
game 5 Vs Woodelves: 7-13 a loss again, the worst match up for my army. I think i played a good game but dont think i was aggressive enough, i was eying 10 Bp to make it fifty for the tournament. Made one mistake by moving my line of warriors more than 6 inches from the side of the table they were guarding and his wildriders snuck though for a charge which cost me 330 or so points.
I enjoyed the Tourniment and was very happy with my placing of 11th (yay for soft scores). If i had won game 4 instead of the loss i would have missed the woodelves, probably would have been a harder army but almost any thing would have been better that woodies.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
It is also using a strange comp system based on the percentage of Core in your list. So you need 50% of you army to be core not to take a hit and for every 1% less then 50 is a hit of 2 points out of 90. My runefang army for example would lose 34 points because only 33% is core, then i would lose another 4 Points because of the tier which WoC sit on. My score would be 52/90 which counts for 30% of my tournament score so about 17%.
Im not really a big fan of this because nothing other the amount of core and type of army effect you comp. Which means things like 3 vamps with lord of the dead and other very powerful things wont get much of a penalty if they have a good amount of core.
Maybe ill get to a call to arms but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Moving house WTF!!!
On the plus side i will now have a gaming room, which is the awesome. So after Runefang i shall be building a gaming table which is something i have wanted to do for a while.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cry havoc and let slip the Dogs of War!
DoW are a flexible army with a large variety of units from the basic pike and crossbow units to the regments of renown like Long Drongs Slayer Pirates. The army is not very strong compared the main WHFB armies due to the fact that they only have access to the common magic items and some units seem over costed, but you can make competitive lists. Also they have access to lots of the orge kingdom units like maneaters, bulls etc.
So the army i plan to make is going to be somw thing like this:
1 Hireling Wizard Lord
General; Barding; Magic Level 4; Dispel Scrollx2; Power Stone; Talisman of Protection
1 Warhorse
1 Hireling Wizard
Barding; Magic Level 2
1 Warhorse
1 Paymaster
Barding; Heavy Armour; Sword of Might; Enchanted Shield
1 Warhorse
The 3 human characters will probable be made from empire models. I think the two mages are a better option then a mercenary general and scroll caddy especially since i have Asarnil to be a choppy Character.
1 Asarnil the Dragonlord
Lance; Heavy Armour; Shield; Amulet of Dragonheart
1 Deathfang
High elves dragon kit here its a nice looking kit and he is an elf. What can i say 9 S6 attacks on the charge and a flying terror causer, SWEET! I have wanted a dragon for a while but it would have probably considered over the top in a WoC Army.
22 Pikemen
Pike; Standard; Musician; War Banner; 1 Champion
Fight in 4 ranks and static res of 5 or 6, paymaster and lvl4 in her i think at least till just before the fight has joined anyway then the mage will probably just try to avoid stuff. Just going to use empire spearmen to start with will probably find something to extend the spears to make pikes.
8 Duellists
8 Duellists
10 Crossbowmen
Crossbow; Musician
These three units will be made from empire Militia. Ranged attacks and guys to protect the flanks.
5 Light Cavalry
Normal Bow; Shield; Musician
May have to kit bash pistoliers and Militia. In here to annoy heavy cav, hit artillery and just be annoying.
3 Maneaters (heavy armour)
Ogre Club; Brace of Handguns; Heavy Armour
3 Maneaters (heavy armour)
Ogre Club; Brace of Handguns; Heavy Armour
A kit bash again from Orge bulls and handguns from the militia. These guys are the heavy hits with the hand guns used as pistols they fire 2 shots each needing 4+ to hit even at long range and moving. In combat they can dish out 5 S5 attacks each.
1 Cannon
3 Cannon Crew
Empire cannon what else. Sniper cannon well thats the plan anyway.
Casting Pool: 8
Dispel Pool: 5
Models in Army: 68
So far i have 8 duelists. Next up box of militia to get the Xbowmen and more duelists.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Handed in!
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 186 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; General; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour; Barding
Enchanted Shield [15]
Sword of Battle [25]
Favour of the Gods [5]
1 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 200 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour
Dispel Scroll [25]
Book of Secrets [25]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 160 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 1; Chaos Armour
Dispel Scroll [25]
Bloodcurdling Roar [20]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
1 Exalted Hero of Slaanesh @ 185 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Flail; Chaos Armour; Shield; Battle Standard; Barding
Rapturous Standard [20]
1 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
14 Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh @ 305 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Option Qualifier; Chaos Armour; Shield; Standard;
War Banner [25]
1 Champion @ [12] Pts
Chaos Armour
19 Chaos Marauders of Slaanesh @ 150 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
1 Chieftain @ [8] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
4 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
4 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
3 Ogres of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Great Weapon; Chaos Armour; Standard; Musician
1 Mutant Ogre @ [20] Pts
Casting Pool: 8
Dispel Pool: 5
Models in Army: 78
Total Army Cost: 2248
I will be playing it aganist john tonight which should be a good game.
Friday, April 10, 2009
RuneFang Test
I was happy with how my list went but i have to make some changes to it due to the TO for rune fang not wantting more than 8PD in a list and the bound counts as 1.
So i have changed the army abit
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 181 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; General; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour; Barding
Enchanted Shield [15]
Sword of Battle [25]
1 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 200 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour
Dispel Scroll [25]
Book of Secrets [25]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 160 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 1; Chaos Armour
Dispel Scroll [25]
Bloodcurdling Roar [20]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
1 Exalted Hero of Slaanesh @ 186 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Chaos Armour; Shield; Battle Standard; Barding
Sword of Might [20]
Favour of the Gods [5]
1 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
14 Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh @ 305 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Option Qualifier; Chaos Armour; Shield; Standard;
War Banner [25]
1 Champion @ [12] Pts
Chaos Armour
19 Chaos Marauders of Slaanesh @ 150 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
1 Chieftain @ [8] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
4 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
4 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
3 Ogres of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Great Weapon; Chaos Armour; Standard; Musician
1 Mutant Ogre @ [20] Pts
Casting Pool: 8
Dispel Pool: 5
Models in Army: 78
Total Army Cost: 2244
the bound and flail are gone and have added a few other goodies like sword of might and blood curdling roar which shouldnt effect how the list works to much.
If you want to read a better battle report from mine and Johns test check out stumpy heaven the link is on the top right.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
MK 2
50pts khardor
Vlad, the dark prince +5 pts
2*Destroyers 20pts
Behemoth 13pts
Doomreaves 6pts
Ifp(10) 8pts
Ifp officer & standard 2pts
Widow Makers 4pts
Man hunter 2pts
Under the old rules this was 805pts
If 50pts is standard i think it will be a shame, war machine is touted as a fast paced game but i always found the game bogged down to much after the 500pt mark due to the fact it is a skirmish game where models are moved individually and model placement and facing is key(something which doesnt seem to have changed).
The next thing is the idea of less on the cards. While this is not a bad idea its also not really true. There is less writing on the cards but now there are little pictures which stand for rules (the general game rules) so pathfinder, combined ranged attack etc. Now this doesnt worry me but i think it is just as easy to say what rules the model has on the front of the cards(like it always has), and then dont write up the the common rules on the back just list the name(and a reference page if you really want).
Right now get out a warrior unit card any of the 3 versions that have been released.
Look on the back see where it says leader but dosnt say what the rule is. This is what they should do instead of silly little pictures to remember.
There is a lot more i could talk about but it shall wait till i have had a game.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
750 at the club
1 Exalted Hero of Slaanesh @ 155 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Chaos Armour
Enchanted Shield [15]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 240 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
1 Chaos Chariot of Slaanesh @ 130 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh
2 Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
2 Chaos Warrior Crew @ [0] Pts
Halberd; Heavy Armour
His army was konrad + a lvl2 vamp(which was his general) block of skeletons 10 gouls 3 sprithosts. The chariot pretty much won this game for me by itself. It and the exalted charged the the gouls and wiped them out the chariot over ran into the skellies and in the combat there killed 5-6 skellies with impact and killed konrad and another skelly with its attacks in the first round. over the following rounds wiped out the unit. While this was going on the knights took care of the sprits.
the Next game was against John and his Highelves. His army was a mounted noble with lance unit of 5 Dragon princes 5 silverhelms 10 archers 2 units of 6 sword masters.
I swaped the exalted with the sorcerer below who had 2 magic missiles.
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 155 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 1; Chaos Armour
Enchanted Shield [15]
Book of Secrets [25]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
The Chariot was MVP again by charging the silverhelms after they failed to catch the maruder horsemen. wiped them out after two rounds of combat (i rolled well for impacts and other attacks again) my turn after wiping out the Silver helms it got a flank charge on the Dp's it took out 1 from impacts and 2 from its other attacks then the dps fled. While all this happened the mage magicked the archers and killed them and some swordsmen. We called it there because the rest of the Swords masters could not catch my army which was manly intact.
I enjoyed both my games but i had some very good rolling on my side to night and they did not. I was very happy how the Sorcerer on the steed of slaan worked it was an idea that has been floating in my head for a while now but i hadnt used it on the table before. Next week 2250 (runefanglist) vs johns runefang list. Should be very interesting!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The comp system
Panel Based Tier:
Thankfully Runefang is panel marked because if it was player marked i would have no real idea on what sort of marks to give.
Tier comp sets each army on a diffrent level as below.
Tier 1 (base score 2.5):
Vampire Counts
Tier 2 (base score 3.0):
Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves
Tier 3 (base score 3.5):
Bretonnians, Wood Elves
Tier 4 (base score 4):
Empire, High Elves, Tomb Kings, Lizardmen, Warriors of Chaos, Skaven
Tier 5 (base score 4.5):
Dwarfs, Dogs of War, Orcs & Goblins, Chaos Dwarfs
Tier 6 (base score 5.0):
Beasts of Chaos, Ogre Kingdoms
There are 6? judges who each mark your list and give it a mark out of 5(note it is not possible for some armys to score 5). To get the mark out of 5 they start with the armies tier mark(4 for WoC) then modify the tier mark on their opinion of how hard or soft the army list is. The 6 marks are then added up to give you a mark out of 30, for example judge 1 gives 4, 2 gives 3, 3 gives 3, 4 gives 4, 5 gives 4, 6 gives 4, when the scores are combined this would be 22/30. Comp is worth 30% of your total touney score. or at least it is worth 30% at runefang.
The one problem with the tier system is that no one can really agree on what a standard list is which would receive a base tier mark for the individual armies.
With comp being worth 30% and battle points being 40% at runefang a bad comp score will put pretty much stop you from winning. Which does not worry me in the slightest with a tier 4 army that and the fact i dont really have a chance of winning!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Runefang II
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 146 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; General; Magic Level 1; Chaos Armour; Barding
Enchanted Shield [15]
Sword of Battle [25]
1 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 200 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour
Dispel Scroll [25]
Book of Secrets [25]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 175 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour
Dispel Scroll [25]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
1 * Exalted Hero of Slaanesh @ 210 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Flail; Chaos Armour; Shield; Battle Standard; Barding
Banner of Wrath [45]
1 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
14 Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh @ 305 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Option Qualifier; Chaos Armour; Shield; Standard;
War Banner [25]
1 Champion @ [12] Pts
Chaos Armour
19 Chaos Marauders of Slaanesh @ 150 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
1 Chieftain @ [8] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
4 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
4 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
3 Ogres of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Great Weapon; Chaos Armour; Standard; Musician
1 Mutant Ogre @ [20] Pts
Casting Pool: 8
Dispel Pool: 5
Models in Army: 78
Total Army Cost: 2248
My biggest problem with the list is i dont know how hard or soft it is. I mean i dont want to be the jerk whos army is over the top but i also dont want to be smashed every round.
My number one concern is wether 8PD+bound is to much magic i think it should be ok but only because it is spread out over 3 mages 2 lvl2s and 1 lvl1.
My next concern is the 2 units of knights. People dont like Chaos knights and i can see why their 1+ save and S5 every round makes them very hard to kill and they dish out a lot of pain. If they had the mark of Nurgle on them they would be much harder to kill and because they dont i think it will be ok
Then the ogres i really want to like these guys they havn't dont shit for me yet but s6 is great. These have some great hitting power if they hit that is, Ws3 sucks a bit. Hopefully these guys with the knights proves not to be to much as far as comp goes.
I must say im looking forward to it. Will update with any changes to the list once i get a chance to talk to john and doug about it.