Thursday, April 30, 2009
Handed in!
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 186 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; General; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour; Barding
Enchanted Shield [15]
Sword of Battle [25]
Favour of the Gods [5]
1 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 200 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour
Dispel Scroll [25]
Book of Secrets [25]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 160 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 1; Chaos Armour
Dispel Scroll [25]
Bloodcurdling Roar [20]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
1 Exalted Hero of Slaanesh @ 185 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Flail; Chaos Armour; Shield; Battle Standard; Barding
Rapturous Standard [20]
1 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
14 Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh @ 305 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Option Qualifier; Chaos Armour; Shield; Standard;
War Banner [25]
1 Champion @ [12] Pts
Chaos Armour
19 Chaos Marauders of Slaanesh @ 150 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
1 Chieftain @ [8] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
4 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
4 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
3 Ogres of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Great Weapon; Chaos Armour; Standard; Musician
1 Mutant Ogre @ [20] Pts
Casting Pool: 8
Dispel Pool: 5
Models in Army: 78
Total Army Cost: 2248
I will be playing it aganist john tonight which should be a good game.
Friday, April 10, 2009
RuneFang Test
I was happy with how my list went but i have to make some changes to it due to the TO for rune fang not wantting more than 8PD in a list and the bound counts as 1.
So i have changed the army abit
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 181 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; General; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour; Barding
Enchanted Shield [15]
Sword of Battle [25]
1 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 200 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour
Dispel Scroll [25]
Book of Secrets [25]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 160 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 1; Chaos Armour
Dispel Scroll [25]
Bloodcurdling Roar [20]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
1 Exalted Hero of Slaanesh @ 186 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Chaos Armour; Shield; Battle Standard; Barding
Sword of Might [20]
Favour of the Gods [5]
1 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
14 Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh @ 305 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Option Qualifier; Chaos Armour; Shield; Standard;
War Banner [25]
1 Champion @ [12] Pts
Chaos Armour
19 Chaos Marauders of Slaanesh @ 150 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
1 Chieftain @ [8] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
4 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
4 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
3 Ogres of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Great Weapon; Chaos Armour; Standard; Musician
1 Mutant Ogre @ [20] Pts
Casting Pool: 8
Dispel Pool: 5
Models in Army: 78
Total Army Cost: 2244
the bound and flail are gone and have added a few other goodies like sword of might and blood curdling roar which shouldnt effect how the list works to much.
If you want to read a better battle report from mine and Johns test check out stumpy heaven the link is on the top right.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
MK 2
50pts khardor
Vlad, the dark prince +5 pts
2*Destroyers 20pts
Behemoth 13pts
Doomreaves 6pts
Ifp(10) 8pts
Ifp officer & standard 2pts
Widow Makers 4pts
Man hunter 2pts
Under the old rules this was 805pts
If 50pts is standard i think it will be a shame, war machine is touted as a fast paced game but i always found the game bogged down to much after the 500pt mark due to the fact it is a skirmish game where models are moved individually and model placement and facing is key(something which doesnt seem to have changed).
The next thing is the idea of less on the cards. While this is not a bad idea its also not really true. There is less writing on the cards but now there are little pictures which stand for rules (the general game rules) so pathfinder, combined ranged attack etc. Now this doesnt worry me but i think it is just as easy to say what rules the model has on the front of the cards(like it always has), and then dont write up the the common rules on the back just list the name(and a reference page if you really want).
Right now get out a warrior unit card any of the 3 versions that have been released.
Look on the back see where it says leader but dosnt say what the rule is. This is what they should do instead of silly little pictures to remember.
There is a lot more i could talk about but it shall wait till i have had a game.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
750 at the club
1 Exalted Hero of Slaanesh @ 155 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Chaos Armour
Enchanted Shield [15]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts
5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts
5 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 240 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
1 Chaos Chariot of Slaanesh @ 130 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh
2 Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts
2 Chaos Warrior Crew @ [0] Pts
Halberd; Heavy Armour
His army was konrad + a lvl2 vamp(which was his general) block of skeletons 10 gouls 3 sprithosts. The chariot pretty much won this game for me by itself. It and the exalted charged the the gouls and wiped them out the chariot over ran into the skellies and in the combat there killed 5-6 skellies with impact and killed konrad and another skelly with its attacks in the first round. over the following rounds wiped out the unit. While this was going on the knights took care of the sprits.
the Next game was against John and his Highelves. His army was a mounted noble with lance unit of 5 Dragon princes 5 silverhelms 10 archers 2 units of 6 sword masters.
I swaped the exalted with the sorcerer below who had 2 magic missiles.
1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 155 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 1; Chaos Armour
Enchanted Shield [15]
Book of Secrets [25]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts
The Chariot was MVP again by charging the silverhelms after they failed to catch the maruder horsemen. wiped them out after two rounds of combat (i rolled well for impacts and other attacks again) my turn after wiping out the Silver helms it got a flank charge on the Dp's it took out 1 from impacts and 2 from its other attacks then the dps fled. While all this happened the mage magicked the archers and killed them and some swordsmen. We called it there because the rest of the Swords masters could not catch my army which was manly intact.
I enjoyed both my games but i had some very good rolling on my side to night and they did not. I was very happy how the Sorcerer on the steed of slaan worked it was an idea that has been floating in my head for a while now but i hadnt used it on the table before. Next week 2250 (runefanglist) vs johns runefang list. Should be very interesting!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The comp system
Panel Based Tier:
Thankfully Runefang is panel marked because if it was player marked i would have no real idea on what sort of marks to give.
Tier comp sets each army on a diffrent level as below.
Tier 1 (base score 2.5):
Vampire Counts
Tier 2 (base score 3.0):
Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves
Tier 3 (base score 3.5):
Bretonnians, Wood Elves
Tier 4 (base score 4):
Empire, High Elves, Tomb Kings, Lizardmen, Warriors of Chaos, Skaven
Tier 5 (base score 4.5):
Dwarfs, Dogs of War, Orcs & Goblins, Chaos Dwarfs
Tier 6 (base score 5.0):
Beasts of Chaos, Ogre Kingdoms
There are 6? judges who each mark your list and give it a mark out of 5(note it is not possible for some armys to score 5). To get the mark out of 5 they start with the armies tier mark(4 for WoC) then modify the tier mark on their opinion of how hard or soft the army list is. The 6 marks are then added up to give you a mark out of 30, for example judge 1 gives 4, 2 gives 3, 3 gives 3, 4 gives 4, 5 gives 4, 6 gives 4, when the scores are combined this would be 22/30. Comp is worth 30% of your total touney score. or at least it is worth 30% at runefang.
The one problem with the tier system is that no one can really agree on what a standard list is which would receive a base tier mark for the individual armies.
With comp being worth 30% and battle points being 40% at runefang a bad comp score will put pretty much stop you from winning. Which does not worry me in the slightest with a tier 4 army that and the fact i dont really have a chance of winning!