Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Runefang II

So i got permission from my partner Sarah. Should be a good weekend and will be my first WHFB tourney. My army is warriors of chaos and the tourney is 2250 pts. Here is the list ill be taking or close to it anyways.

1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 146 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; General; Magic Level 1; Chaos Armour; Barding
Enchanted Shield [15]
Sword of Battle [25]
1 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts

1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 200 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour
Dispel Scroll [25]
Book of Secrets [25]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts

1 Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh @ 175 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour
Dispel Scroll [25]
1 Steed of Slaanesh @ [0] Pts

1 * Exalted Hero of Slaanesh @ 210 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Flail; Chaos Armour; Shield; Battle Standard; Barding
Banner of Wrath [45]
1 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts

14 Chaos Warriors of Slaanesh @ 305 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Option Qualifier; Chaos Armour; Shield; Standard;
War Banner [25]
1 Champion @ [12] Pts
Chaos Armour

19 Chaos Marauders of Slaanesh @ 150 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
1 Chieftain @ [8] Pts

5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts

5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 96 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Throwing Axes; Light Armour; Musician
5 Warhorse @ [0] Pts

5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts

5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts

5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30 Pts

4 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts

4 Chaos Knights of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;
Standard; Musician
1 Champion @ [20] Pts
5 Barded Chaos Steed @ [0] Pts

3 Ogres of Slaanesh @ 260 Pts
Mark of Slaanesh; Great Weapon; Chaos Armour; Standard; Musician
1 Mutant Ogre @ [20] Pts

Casting Pool: 8

Dispel Pool: 5

Models in Army: 78

Total Army Cost: 2248

My biggest problem with the list is i dont know how hard or soft it is. I mean i dont want to be the jerk whos army is over the top but i also dont want to be smashed every round.

My number one concern is wether 8PD+bound is to much magic i think it should be ok but only because it is spread out over 3 mages 2 lvl2s and 1 lvl1.

My next concern is the 2 units of knights. People dont like Chaos knights and i can see why their 1+ save and S5 every round makes them very hard to kill and they dish out a lot of pain. If they had the mark of Nurgle on them they would be much harder to kill and because they dont i think it will be ok

Then the ogres i really want to like these guys they havn't dont shit for me yet but s6 is great. These have some great hitting power if they hit that is, Ws3 sucks a bit. Hopefully these guys with the knights proves not to be to much as far as comp goes.

I must say im looking forward to it. Will update with any changes to the list once i get a chance to talk to john and doug about it.

Somewhere to start

Why not do it. Im not really the blogging kind of person but i thought i would just give it a go. It should be interesting (well for me at least).